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House prices 100 times higher than when England last won the World Cup

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While the England football team has been on a downer for much of the past 52 years, UK house prices have been very much on the up.

The value of property has risen more than one hundred-fold since the World Cup success of 1966, when the average home cost just £2,006. Today, the typical home is worth £211,000, according to mortgage broker Trussle

But average earnings have failed to keep pace with the rise in property values (unless you're a Premier League footballer), increasing only 33-fold during the same period from £789 to £26,500.

Trussle said the slower growth in wages meant it was now effectively three-times harder for first-time buyers to get on to the property ladder compared with the 1960s.

However, not everyone has seen muted salary growth, with a top footballer now earning 1,136 times more than they did in 1966, up from £2,288 to £2.6 million today.